onsdag 16 december 2009

Can We Live Better Lives Without Religion?

Hamza Andreas Tzortzis vs. Peter Cave (Best-selling author, Philosophy lecturer & Chair of the BHA's Philosophers Group)

A very exciting debate on religion, morality, the miracle of the Qur'an, politics, sociology, economics and more!

Here are some peoples thoughts on the debate:

"Hamza is Islam's answer to Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins!"

"Peter Cave was witty and funny!"

Coconut-carrying octopus

Veined Octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus, showing sophisticated tool use behaviour.


söndag 26 april 2009

fredag 10 april 2009

Are You Going To Finish Strong? - Nick Vujicic Video

Are You Going To Finish Strong?
Awesome video! If you watch only one video today make sure it is this one! Nick Vujicic has no limbs but he leads an incredible life!

tisdag 24 mars 2009